Solar Power Installation for health institutions
Most Health institutions located in a very remote and off-grid areas. Health workers suffered a lot to deliver their services. Mothers died because of lack of electricity.
SEF installed solar system and also solar fridges for vaccine storage.
Solar Power Installations For Maji Hospital
Maji hospital is located in Maji zone. Their Electrical source was only Deiseal Generator. We installed 33Kwp Solar Power for the hospital. Maji Development Coalition financed the project. Currently the hospital is using fully the installed solar power.
Solar Power for Bachuma Hospital
Bachuma Hospital is in Southwest Ethiopia. 700KM far from the Capital City Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The foundation installed 68KWP Solar Power. This will ensure the hospital’s uninterrupted energy to deliver proper services. Village Health Partnership funded the project. Suntransfer Tech PLC and Solar Energy Foundation installed the system.